je vais et je viens entre tes reins signification


I cant define much of what is said about it but words cannot describe music. En 1968, Serge Gainsbourg tourne avec Jane Birkin, une jeune actrice britannique, dans le film Slogan. Je t'aime moi non plus (English title: I Love You, I Don't) is a 1976 feature film written, directed, and musically scored by Serge Gainsbourg, starring Jane Birkin, Hugues Quester and Joe Dallesandro, and featuring a cameo by Grard Depardieu. I have loved this song for over 35 years and love Serge Gainsbourgs music but never knew history of the song. Notre patience nexiste, Vous avez fait quelque chose que vous regrettez et vous souhaitez vous excuser auprs de votre copine ? Je ne souhaite pas croiser Bella avant d'tre Paris. It was so real and romantic, being with the person you Comment cela a-t-il t interprt lpoque? Entre tes reins Many translations of the song's lyrics translate this line as "Inside you". At first glance, the vocabulary is very simple. Sign Up For A FREE Trial French Lesson On Skype And Get Instant Access To My French Pronunciation Crash Course. Serge Gainsbourg, frustr de linterdiction de lenregistrement prcdent, demande Jane Birkin dinterprter la chanson avec lui. They released it in 1986. Vous savez que cest impossible de vivre une relation srieuse et durable alors vous restez car quelque part vous ne risquez rien, dun point de vue motionnel et sentimental. Thank you Darby for your thoughts. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Privacy Policy Moi non plus. Lobjet de cette passion, la personne aime, devient alors galement objet de souffrance. Je t'aime, je t'aime Oh oui, je t'aime Moi non plus Oh, mon amour Comme la vague irrsolue Je vais, je vais et je viens Entre tes reins Je vais et je viens Entre tes reins Et je me retiens Je t'aime, je t'aime Oh oui, je t'aime Moi non plus Oh, mon amour Tu es la vague, moi l'le . The preposition " entre " means between. Lyrics licensed and provided by LyricFind. In 1969, the Hollywood 101 Strings Orchestra released a 7-inch record single (on A/S Records label) with two versions: the A-side featured a fully instrumental recording while the B-side had sexually suggestive vocalizations done by Bebe Bardon. I'm still not sure they know what it means. Nous ne connaissons plus lattente, il faut avoir linformation, le bien, lmotion directement ! I Never heard a French song! Gainsbourg asked her to sing an octave higher than Bardot, "so you'll sound like a little boy". I have actually started on that song, but its sort of fallen by the wayside. Great Job! Son mari accepte quelle ait un, Lamour nous fait vivre des sensations fortes au quotidien, passion, sentiments, attachement, une personne amoureuse fait face des motions qui lui donnent des papillons dans le ventre. [13] . The pacing of certain lines, like Et je me re tiens reminds me of the in and out/rocking motion. Je vais, je vais et je viens Entre tes reins Je vais et je viens Entre tes reins Et je me retiens. On se veut et on se fuit. Oh, mon amour. Let me propose something in the topic of les reins. On the date, Gainsbourg was so intimidated by Bardots beauty that he completely lost the wit and charm that he was well known for. Se retenir de rire = holding back laughter). Where the only one that could ever feel this way. Really Gainsbourg is just saying it this way because it rhymes entre tes reins is not a common French expression. The next morning Gainsbourg had finished two songs that went on to be famous: Bonnie and Clyde (which he went on to record with Bardot and release in 1968), and Je taime moi non plus.. I am sure the instrumental was on the soundtrack of some famous film, I just cant for the life of me remember. Gainsbourg's extremely varied musical style and individuality make him difficult to categorize. Pour les articles homonymes, voir Je t'aime moi non plus. Moi non plus. Je dois avouer que je trouve sa dmarche trs courageuse et positive. Tu es la vague, moi l'ile Nue Tu vas tu vas et tu Viens Entre mes reins Tu vas et tu viens Entre mes reins Et je Te re-Joins-Je t'aime je t'aime Oh oui et je t'aime! French lyrics, the best English translation and analysis of the songs popularity and controversy after the jump. Thank you so much for this! Je taime moi non plus is a duet song made famous by Serge Gainsbourg and Jane Birkin. Jouer au je taime moi non plus est un moyen de vrifier que lautre vous aime toujours ou pas. As I remember my own mixed emotions with love in the nineteen sixties, there was almost an understanding among some that there was a tremendous risk to say I love you. Je t'aime je t'aime, oh oui je t'aime (. Cest une question qui se pose souvent en cas dinfidlit, dadultre ou de double vie. Any insight on how to get around this so that I am able to follow your blog? I would still love to know what was being thought of when the phrase moi non plus was penned but your interpretation is very thought provoking. It stayed on the UK chart for 31 weeks. Create and get +5 IQ. Bien fait, It is a great song isnt it! En Italie, pour voquer la sodomie, les italiens parlent d'amour la Gainsbourg. Et si la clbre citation Entre lamour et la haine, il ny a quun pas tait vraie? Entre tes reins. He said: Picasso is Spanish, me too. Trop longtemps. This is how I was introduced to French music. Thank you. , Great translation, thoughtful and insightful analysis and historical context. In the the late 60s, the idea of a man being focused on bringing his female partner to orgasm was probably still pretty radical. The rhythm of the lyrics is really great:, Hi John! Soit elle ne veut pas valider la dclaration par un moi aussi je taime. Lhomme avec lequel vous tes a des ractions, des mots et des, Nous sommes dans une socit du Tout Tout de suite ! Have you got the smarts to know which of these graduation song stories are real? "[5] It was released in February 1969. Test your MusicIQ here! Mais l cest vous-mme que vous leurrez car vous naccepteriez pas de rester dans une relation si complique si vous nprouviez rien. , Hello Darby and all. What they heard was an expertly stroked organ, orgasmic groans and a soft-focus melody, the musical equivalent of a Vaseline-smeared Emmanuelle movie. The song lives on in the popular imagination. Although it appears to be a song celebrating physical sex and sexual liberation, Gainsbourg called it an anti-f*** song. Now, lets looks at the lyrics, translation and vocabulary first, then Ill go into more detail about the fascinating history of this song, which was originally recorded with Serge Gainsbourg and his then-lover Brigitte Bardot. Read Hinriegh of story Terre de Sendre: Le rite de Lumness by Matthieu Fichez online - PersonnagesAlex : Chevalier de lumire affili LumnessAnaral Fing. Perhaps thats why its the most beautiful love song on in the world and only those who have made love together can truly appreciate its mysteries. The song was written and recorded in late 1967 for Gainsbourg's girlfriend, Brigitte Bardot. "[8] There was media speculation, as with the Bardot version, that they had recorded live sex, to which Gainsbourg told Birkin, "Thank goodness it wasn't, otherwise I hope it would have been a long-playing record. bonne continuation et courage si tu travailles . En savoir plus. WE are music: 64 HZ (Ephrin Toro). Quand on ne parvient pas choisir entre, Le mythe de la belle-mre acaritre dtestant sa bru semble avoir encore de beaux jours devant lui! Mais si on lui dit je taime, lautre doit rpondre moi aussi et pas moi non plus (ou pas moi si ce nest pas rciproque videmment mais ce nest pas le sujet ici). I ended up here as I was searching for news and an article titled At 85 Bardot still Turns Heads caught me. He replies me neither to show that he understands that shes just saying it as an expression of passion rather than as a heartfelt declaration of love. Apparemment oui, pour un grand nombre de belles-filles, Selon des tudes rcentes, les hommes restent majoritairement infidles physiques l o les femmes sont davantage dans linfidlit motionnelle. Il ne fait pas trop froid ce jour.. J'espre bien que nous n'aurons pas de neige. It has been hailed (and derided) as the most erotic song of all time. Paroles Serge Gainsbourg Bogart initially rejected the idea. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Gainsbourg filmed the movie Slogan in 1968 where he became infatuated with his co-star, the young English actress Jane Birkin. Lamour est trop destructeur, trop fragile et trop dsquilibr pour apaiser le cur et tranquilliser lesprit. Some people consider the organ riff to be cheesy, but I personally wonder if it wasnt an intentional choice. Je vais je vais et je viens. Im so glad the song brought you joy. Que voulait dire Gainsbourgpar l ? Je vais et je viens Entre tes reins Et je Me re-Tiens - Je t'aime je t'aime Oh oui je t'aime! Copyright 2023 French Lyrics Translations. Gainsbourg a conclu un accord avec le label Major Minor Records(en), qui a acquis les droits de la chanson pour le ressortir en single au Royaume-Uni, ce qui permet la chanson d'atteindre la premire place, devenant le premier single banni et en langue trangre atteindre la premire place des charts britanniques[8]. Hello, Le respect et la considration sont deux valeurs quasi similaires en, Au fur et mesure que votre histoire damour avance, vous vous apercevez quil y a un problme. Toutefois, ces tudes montrent que linfidlit fminine est en augmentation ces. Whatever it is true (what she is feeling), it seems he doesnt feel she loves him (or doesnt believe in love in General). Routine, enfants, travail, tches mnagres, le mariage peut paratre fade et il est tentant de souhaiter retrouver la petite flamme en, Mon mari accepte que jaie un amant : Une lectrice nous a envoy un message pour nous parler de sa situation conjugale assez complexe. I wasnt alive in the late 60s but I imagine that placing that level of import on a womans pleasure was not a common theme in art. , Now, what of the titular lines I love you. when, on occasion, I heard this beautiful song, I would feel Tu vas et tu viens. Je vais je vais et je viens I go, I go and come Entre tes reins Between your thighs Je vais et je viens I go and I come Entre tes reins Between your thighs Et je And I Me re- Me re- Tiens Myself Tu vas et tu viens You go and you come Entre mes reins Between your thighs Et je And I Te re-joins Join you Je taime je t'aime Je taime je t'aime The song was a commercial success reaching number 1 on the U.K., Swiss, Norwegian, and Austrian charts and breaking the top 10 in many other European countries. The rocking quality of the melody (rocking back and forth) always reminded me of the rocking of a boat on the water as well. Lorsque le titre sort en 1969, un journaliste demande: Quel est le meilleur agent de publicit? Thanks for the enlightenment. Moi non plus. It is interesting to note that the imagery here is all natural parallels are being drawn between the inevitability of the tides and the nature of making love. "[5][8], The song culminates in orgasm sounds by Birkin: mostly because of this, it was banned from radio in Spain, Sweden, Brazil, the UK,[13] Italy,[14] and Portugal,[citation needed] banned before 11 pm in France, not played by many radio stations in the United States because it was deemed too risqu,[4] and denounced by the Vatican and the L'Osservatore Romano;[13][14] one report even claimed the Vatican excommunicated the record executive who released it in Italy. Une nouvelle histoire damour commence. Ecriture de lettre par crivaine publique, suis-moi, je te suis, fuis-moi, je te suis, Lettre damour sensuelle et torride pour faire natre le dsir, 10 ides de cadeaux pour les noces de cuir : 2 ans de mariage, Manque de considration dans le couple : 15 signes rvlateurs, 20 choses quun manipulateur dteste et que vous devriez savoir, Mauvaises raisons dune sparation : 14 raisons qui nen sont pas, Se faire pardonner par sa copine : la mthode, Les 7 signes dune relation toxique en couple. Jane and Serge apparently remained friends for life although of course they shared a child so maybe Jane had more incentive to keep things on good terms. The title was inspired by a Salvador Dal comment: "Picasso is Spanish, me too. 2023. En une seule nuit les duos Je t'aime moi non plus et Bonnie and Clyde sont achevs. irrsolue: irresolute, vacillating, undecided. Soit elle a compris quil ne fallait pas saisir le Je taime au sens dune vraie dclaration. Je t'aime je t'aime, oui je t'aime Moi non plus Oh mon amour Comme la vague irrsolue Je vais, je vais et je viens Entre tes reins Je vais et je viens entre tes reins Et je me retiens Je t'aime je t'aime, oui je t'aime Moi non plus Oh mon amour, tu es la vague Moi l'le nue Tu vas, tu vas et tu viens Entre mes reins Tu vas et tu viens entre mes reins Et je te rejoins Je t'aime, je t'aime, oh . Dans ce cas, lexpression voque les hauts et les bas rythmant le couple : on saime mais on se dispute, parfois mme on se fait du mal. Cest comme deux aimants qui tour tour sattirent puis se repoussent. Yes we definitely need music in these times. On est en plein dans ce paradoxe que constitue cette frontire si fine entre lamour et la haine. Je t'coute ! I come and I go between your kidneys. Apprendre que son compagnon a eu une liaison extraconjugale avec une autre peut remettre, La vie conjugale peut sembler monotone aprs plusieurs annes. Kidneys is pretty specific and geographically accurate. Paroles Je T'aime Moi Non Plus, Traduction Shakira - Bzrp Music Sessions #53 - Bizarrap, Traduction Lift Me Up (Wakanda Forever) - Rihanna, Traduction People (Check On Me) - Libianca, Traduction Die for You (Remix) - The Weeknd, Traduction Piu Bella Cosa - Eros Ramazzotti, Traduction Somewhere Only We Know - Keane, dispose dun accord de licence de paroles de chansons avec la, A l'occasion de la Coupe du Monde de Football 2022, dcouvrez, Chanson manquante pour "Serge Gainsbourg" ? This literally translates to between your kidneys. In this context its really like in between your loins and its quite explicit. The Observer Monthly Music magazine later called it "the pop equivalent of an Emmanuelle movie". Very Insightful details! As I mentioned above, he could be saying that he is holding himself back, and so the physical sensation is like a wave the doesnt crest. [16] By 1986, it had sold four million copies. Lire Conjugation: How To Conjugate To Read In French, Finir Conjugation: How To Conjugate To Finish In French, Attendre Conjugation: How To Conjugate To Wait In French, Jouer Conjugation: How To Conjugate To Play In French, Dormir Conjugation: How To Conjugate To Sleep In French. Toutefois, linfidlit se glisse dans la ralit sous diffrentes formes:, Qui se ressemble sassemble ou les opposs sattirent selon vous? Thank you for the suggestion. Restant nanmoins sur vos gardes, vous attendez que lautre manifeste ce quil ressent. Become A Better Singer In Only 30 Days, With Easy Video Lessons! [37][38] In a note to Neil Bogart, producer A. J. Cervantes (son of politician Alfonso J. Cervantes), who previously worked for Casablanca Records, suggested an idea of Donna Summer recording the song. Le mieux faire est de clarifier la situation car ce genre de relation rend toujours malheureux terme. Entre mes reins. Enregistrer mon nom, mon e-mail et mon site dans le navigateur pour mon prochain commentaire. Surely hes singing Mon Anglais? [8] She said: "I only sang it because I didn't want anybody else to sing it", jealous at the thought of his sharing a recording studio with someone else. Also, she starts by saying I love you three times and he replies Me niether? Le sujet du partage des tches mnagres au sein du couple est encore dactualit en 2022. Lamour physique est sans issue: Physical love, for its own sake (literally: physical love is without an outcome) March 14, 1970 issue of Billboard Magazine; page 61 (Retrieved 2016-10-05). Picasso est un gnie, moi aussi. Et je te rejoins. Cet amour absolu donne limpression de ne pas pouvoir se passer de lautre. [34], The song's title was used, partly in French and partly in Russian, as the title of Russian singer Eva Polna's Je T'aime ( ), " " (ya tebya tozhe nyet) meaning "I (dont love) you either". Mais normalement la relation se stabilise rapidement. Thank You, Pour connatre les raisons pour lesquelles ils estiment avoir un intrt lgitime ou pour s'opposer ce traitement de donnes, utilisez le lien de la liste des fournisseurs ci-dessous. Its about the union of bodies and most importantly, of souls. Serge Gainsbourg originally wrote Je taime moi non plus in order to seduce Brigitte Bardot who was married at the time to German businessman Gunter Sachs. Je t'aime moi non plus ist ein Duett von Serge Gainsbourg aus dem Jahr 1967, aufgenommen mit Brigitte Bardot (1967) und . The duet reached number one in the UK, the first foreign language song to do so, and number two in Ireland, but was banned in several countries due to its overtly sexual content. [22] By 1996, it sold 6 million copies worldwide. The duet reached number one in the UK, the first foreign language song to do so, and number two in Ireland, but was banned . Je vais et je viens Entre tes reins Et je me retiens Je vais et je viens Entre tes reins Et je me retiens Cerca nuovi amici. Really kind of you do all that! Je voulais vous le demander face face et en toute discrtion. French-Speaking Artists, Albums, and Track Lists,, Tous les Mmes Lyrics & Translation / Stromae, Dernire Danse Lyrics & Translation Indila, Stromae Formidable Lyrics and English Translation. Now as an older man I say how foolish, to deny love is as unthinkable as to deny ones need for air or food. De faon plus pragmatique, pour rsoudre ce problme, si on prend le plus au sens de la de quantit, et bien cela veut dire alors moi je taime encore plus que ton je taime . For the first time in my life, I write a love song and its taken badly. He began a passionate love affair with Birkin, who was 18 years his junior, and asked her to record the song with him. Oui il y a de lamour mais la passion prdomine et dtruit tout le reste. Je taime. I think Serge is talking about a guy (maybe himself) who always has to leave after making love, who is afraid to say I love you because it implies a commitment. More songs from Jane Birkin and Serge Gainsbourg; More songs about sex; More songs with an organ; More songs with foreign words in the lyrics . Web. Et dailleurs cest de l que tout semble venir. He was frustrated with his inability to release Je taime moi non plus, saying The music is very pure. Translating it was my great pleasure. Inexplicable, ce sentiment, Il nest jamais facile de parvenir dmasquer un pervers narcissique, surtout si ce dernier fait partie de votre entourage proche ! It took a long time to do this translation but I still love this song, so it was a pleasure. Sur la couverture d'origine figurait la mention Interdit aux moins de 21ans. The first time I heard it, I listened to it over and over again because I feel its quite unique. There are a number of places where I think there may be errors given reference to the English Kidneys are not as far as Im aware any sort of erogenous zone so I dont think riens is correct. "Paranoid" reflects a feeling Black Sabbath bass player Geezer Butler often felt after using drugs. The most erotic song ever also known as "The ultimate love song", written by the legendary Serge Gainsbourg (French poet-singer-songwriter, often regarded as one of the world's most influential musicians) and sung by Gainsbourg and Jane Birkin, was released in 1969. Aimer devient une souffrance et ltre aim devient lobjet et la raison de notre mal. Elle va la chanter une octave plus haut que Bardot[2], ce qui, ml aux soupirs explicites et la voix grave de Gainsbourg, donne au morceau une teinte d'innocence dvoye et renforce le trouble ressenti par l'auditeur[3]. Japprcie forcment cet article puisque lAmour est un sujet de rflexion qui me passionne Je me permets de rajouter quil faut tre extrmement prudent avec les relations entre aims (quelles soient dorigine familiales, amicales ou amoureuses) lorsquelles sont du type fusionnel car elles aboutissent inluctablement des crises de type explosive, voire hystrique. Car la rgle veut que lon rponde une ngation par une autre ngation. Its quite fascinating really. En 1968, Serge Gainsbourg tourne avecJane Birkin, alors jeune actrice anglaise peu connue, dans le filmSlogan. Thanks so much for commenting Im glad that you enjoyed my analysis! Officiellement rendu son auteur, Gainsbourg en confie l'exploitation Disc AZ[9]. Sincerely, Ce site est fait pour a ;), Recevez 1 e-mail par mois contenant les nouveaux articles les plus apprcis par la communaut Parler d'Amour. Billboard Hot 100). Se retenir often refers to someone purposely suppressing a natural instinct (e.g. I get the feeling that the woman would *always* be there for the guy, but the guy wouldnt (necessarily) be there for her. .) La maison de disques Philips bloque les stocks et met aux enchres les matrices du disque alors troisime au hit-parade anglais pour tre finalement retir de la vente[7]. Impossible de penser cette expression sans fredonner la clbre chanson de Serge Gainsbourg et Jane Birkin. En 1968, Serge Gainsbourg tourne avec Jane Birkin, une jeune actrice britannique, dans le film Slogan. It was confirmation that life across the Channel was one of unchecked lubriciousness, and Je t'aime became as essential a part of any successful seduction as a chilled bottle of Blue Nun. The rawness of song is beautiful. Picasso is a communist, me neither., Its also possible that the male speaker (Gainsbourg) realizes that a woman gasping I love you during sex, doesnt necessarily mean that she loves you. Toutefois, Bardot, regrettant de ne pas avoir publi sa version, donnera son accord en mai 1986 pour la faire publier en single[5], mais condition que les ventes du 45 tours soient reverses sa fondation animalire[6]. Vous ressentez, Vous pensiez ne jamais subir cela, et pourtant, votre partenaire vous annonce quil a t infidle. Hi Rick, There is something else we arent satisfied when we make love if nothing occurs that transcends it. Jane Birkin n'a que vingt ans[Note 2], selon un article publi en 1969 dans les colonnes de L'Express (republi en 2011 sur le site In 1969, Gainsbourg recorded the best known version with Jane Birkin. En comparaison, la version de Bardot, sortie dix-sept ans plus tard, ne rencontre qu'un succs commercial modeste (20000exemplaires vendus)[5]. There were rumours that Gainsbourg and Birkin (and Bardot for that matter) had recorded live sex and used it for the heavy breathing parts of the song a rumour both Birkin and Gainsbourg denied. Un jour je taime, un jour je te dteste. I dont think the organ was a reference to the church though as the Hammond Organ was a VERY popular sound at the time (the Doors,Booker T. and the MGs etc) just listen to Procul Harems A Whiter Shade of Pale which was a massive hit to hear the sound on this song. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Ainsi je conclurai en disant VIVE LAMOUR ET PARTICULIREMENT CELUI QUE NOUS PROCURENT LES ENFANTS QUI SONT SI MAGNIFIQUEMENT AUTHENTIQUES ET AU CUR PUR! Cest amusant au dbut, symbole de passion. , I first heard part of this song on late night radio back in the 70s and it took 20 years to find it. When Gainsbourg sings about holding himself back until his partner tells him Now! Many European radio stations banned it from being played before 11pm mostly because of the songs culmination in a simulated female orgasm (one wonders if everyone would have been equally scandalized by male orgasm sounds I suspect not). System wont accept my subscription due to it being linked to a new blog I set up that does not have the same email that I sent in my comment with here. Cette phrase dment lintention libertine prte la chanson. : En consquence, Monsieur Bruno REBELLE est lu conseiller de territoire. [5] Bardot regretted not releasing her version, and her friend Jean-Louis Remilleux persuaded her to contact Gainsbourg. . The song influenced the 1975 disco classic "Love to Love You Baby" by singer Donna Summer and producer Giorgio Moroder. We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. I began listening to the Birkin/Gainsbourg version as an adult, again mostly for the melody (and Janes heavy breathing ), but it was only recently that I began to read translations and commentaries on the lyrics which led me to your site. Im glad that you enjoyed the translation! Ive seen a lot of euphemisms like loins and back in translations. I am glad I found Et toute la subtilit vient de l, crant un paradoxe du sentiment. [30] (The group's name "sounds nice" actually represents the two words Paul McCartney said when he heard this instrumental cover of the song). Have you ever considered Bonnie and Clyde by Bardot and Gainsbourg? [35], Zvonimir Levai 'eva' and Ivica Lako 'Laky', members of the Croatian antitelevision late night talk show Nightmare Stage, performed a live version of the song as part of a spoof singing competition during the show's airing. Quil vous court aprs comme un fou. What if you simply broke that fragile moment ? The original pick up of this expression (Dali), clearly wanted to mean it is not true what the other say. , I had forgotten about this song until another website was discussing famous muses of song writers and serge & Bardot were cited as one and this song was the reason why. Jeu de la sduction? When the version with Bardot was recorded, the French press reported that it was an "audio vrit". Il est impossible de faire des projets, de construire, davoir confiance. Feel its quite unique se passer de lautre by saying I love you hailed ( and )! Wanted to mean it is not true what the other say couverture d'origine figurait la mention Interdit moins... Pour voquer la sodomie, les italiens parlent d'amour la Gainsbourg after the jump caught! Eu une liaison extraconjugale avec une autre peut remettre, la vie peut... Because it rhymes entre tes reins et je viens entre tes reins is not a common French expression: consquence. 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